Monday, November 14, 2011

21st Century Forces

The 21st century as we know it has not been shaped by simply one man, it has been shaped by valuable contributions of many great men and women.  The great charisma that these people had was shared not just through face to face communications but also through tablets, books, radio, TV, internet and social media among others.  These advancements in technology throughout the 20th century had much more profound and far reaching effects than their creators believed they ever could.  These advancements brought with them a problem in trade.  Free trade agreements between the nations began to open up opportunities that were never there before.  With them came the power to change the world and who knows where we would be without them.
The way that people have viewed the world has changed greatly throughout time.  Back in the time of Gilgamesh, people believed that the rulers were chosen by the gods.  They even went so far as to say that the rulers were part gods themselves.  They recorded the legends of their time on stone tablets that were meant to stand the tests of time.  They also recorded laws on tablets as a way to keep order throughout the land and to have set punishments for violations of the law.  Hammurabi was the first to come up with the idea of written law and even this seemingly simple concept impacted the way that our leaders enforce laws.  It was also the first step towards recording things in a more efficient way.  The tablets led to papyrus, which lead to paper, which lead to literacy for everyone, which lead to more advances in the area of sciences and math, which in turn led to modern inventions such as radio, TV and computers.
Each of these advances gave leaders of the time more effective ways to communicate with their subjects or constituents. They also gave leaders the ability to communicate with other nations and their leaders.  Such communication is essential especially in today’s world.   However, the leaders had to be very charismatic in order to get people to follow and listen to them.  Ronald Reagan was one of the most charismatic and influential leaders of our time.  In his famous speech to Mikhail Gorbachev he said to “tear down that wall.” This speech was backed by the American and Soviet people due to not just the charisma of Reagan but also of Gorbachev. 
Charismatic leaders also contributed greatly to the way that goods and commerce are sent from country to country. They slowly figured out ways for people to trade between countries in a fair maner for both countries.  This encouraged better relations between countries and in doing so also helped reduce conflicts throughout the world.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Hume and Wollstonecraft

I believe that while David Hume and Mary Wollstonecraft lived in much different time periods they still would have had much to argue about with their beliefs they would have also had much to agree about particularly in the area of why women had the certain place in society.

Hume: How would you believe people have gained their beliefs?
Wollstonecraft: I believe that they have gained it through the ignorance that has been greatly promoted throughout our society for many years.  This ignorance has been founded upon prejudices that cannot support these beliefs, yet through it many men have successfully gained power.  These men would have been much better suited had they been better educated in the ways of ruling and the world they rule before they took over. What is your opinion on the matter?

Hume: I believe that it is through the simple act of repetition that many have gained the beliefs that they have.  We justify our beliefs by saying that it is human nature to believe these things, and we further reason that such things as a flame being hot is determined by custom to expect the heat when seeing a flame.    We need to not only infer such things but infer them based off of reason, since reason not capable of any variation. 

Wollstonecraft: I agree that we should learn to base our beliefs off of reason, and through reasoning we would find that women are only inferior to men because the customs of our time dictate it. By changing our customs we will find a middle ground and eventually make women equal to men.

Mary Wollstonecraft and David Hume would both come to the agreement that men and women can become equal in society only by changing the customs that everyone has lived with for so long.  It might be difficult but both would agree that this is the only way to change things for the better.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Epic of the Online Classroom

The definition of the word epic has changed greatly over time.  The dictionary says epic means 1; An extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language celebrating the feats of a legendary or traditional hero or 2;  A literary or dramatic composition that resembles an extended narrative poem celebrating heroic feats.  Common usage however has changed it to basically mean "awesome" or "cool."  However the original meaning is much more powerful to use for describing pieces of work, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh or the Venerable Bede. Enkidu, in the Epic of Gilgamesh, himself could be described as being epic:
 "How the youth resembles Gilgamesh--
 tall in stature, towering up to the battlements over the wall!
Surely he was born in the mountains;
his strength is as mighty as the meteorite(!) of Anu!"
They placed food in front of him,
they placed beer in front of him;
Enkidu knew nothing about eating bread for food,
and of drinking beer he had not been taught.
The harlot spoke to Enkidu, saying:
                "Eat the food, Enkidu, it is the way one lives.
                Drink the beer, as is the custom of the land."
Enkidu ate the food until he was sated,
he drank the beer-seven jugs!-- and became expansive and sang with joy!
He was elated and his face glowed.
He splashed his shaggy body with water,
and rubbed himself with oil, and turned into a human.
                This quotation points out how Enkidu is so much more than just a mere human.  His strength is as might as a meteorite, and he is tall in stature.  This is what it means to be epic, not just because he is “awesome” or “cool” but because he is a hero that has power beyond comprehension.  This is what I think best encapsulates the word epic.